Why Planet 7 special?

We provide:

  1. ORProtection this will generate a protection for your house(buildable) ONLY when you are offline,it makes your house HARDER to get raid to avoid unfair raid for those who likes building around!
  2. Buildlimit for each player to prevent player mess around too much building in the city and cause the server laggy!(The maximum structure/barricade are enough for you to build a honeycomb base,so dont worry)*Lockers,Wardrobe and Traps are ignored
  3. Mystery boxes are ready by doing a simple command in server to get a random RARE weapon!(CMD:/gun)(Cost:3000each)*Thats a chance of winning MK2!
  4. Vault for everyone to access their personal locker!
  5. 3xLoots and Medium size map makes the server more combat at the same time didn't lose fun with looting for RARE items!
  6. Player can use in-game credits to buy LIFETIME kits/ranks!Yes,using in-game credits to buy LIFETIME kits/ranks!
  7. In-game credits ONLY for purchase Mystery boxes and Lifetime kits/ranks!(No /buy to avoid crazy spamming with this cmd and lose fun)

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/pyjYwjg

1.Q:How do we get credits?
   A:You will get credits by KILLING:Zombie($100),Mega($1000),Player($500) or Gambling(RELEASE TBD)
2.Q:How do we get ammo for weapons?(Example:RARE weapons from mysteryboxes)
   A:Looting or /ammo(while holding your weapon) $100/bullet (Example:1Mag have 30bullet,mean you need to pay $30000)*Server not recommend using /ammo if not necessary

3.Q:What is the max limit buildable for normal player?

4.Q:Does ORP active instantly after the last member of the house log off?
   A:No,it takes 15 minit to active the ORP for you house(This is because avoid player log off in the middle of fight/raid and causing UNFAIR to others)

Price include:​​​​​​

  1. Vault(100) x1
  2. 50K Credits x1
  3. [VIP]Rank x2

Way to join: Simply playing often in the server,system will automatic pick a player and show on middle top of the server in game!Good luck and have fun!
***Easter egg here!Server will give away a Vault(500)+[MVP+]Rank once it reach 20/24 players in the server!!!***